NPPE Exam Blog

Do I have to read all the recommended study materials for the NPPE exam?

It would be advisable. However, the NPPE Candidate Guide is very clear when it says (literal quote): “Although there are recommended study materials, applicants can gain mastery of the topics covered on the exam any way that works best for them.”

The same guide, in another paragraph repeats (literal quote): “It is up to you to determine what resources are best to prepare for the exam, most applicants find using one ethics textbook and at least one of the law textbooks helpful.”

The question that a candidate needs to ask himself would be: Do the recommended study materials cover the syllabus of the NPPE Exam? And, unfortunately, the answer to this question is NO. There are topics in the syllabus that cannot be found in the recommended study materials and vice versa.

Therefore, there are probably more convenient alternatives in the market, compared to the recommended study materials, to streamline the preparation of a candidate for this exam. Consider for example the book “Engineering & Geoscience NPPE: Law and Ethics” authored by WPE Studio. It is short and covers all the topics listed in the official syllabus/blueprint of the NPPE exam in the same order.


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