NPPE Exam Blog

How do I prepare for the NPPE exam? What should I study for it?

Here is what you need to do to prepare yourself for the NPPE:

  1. Read the NPPE Candidate Guide (Link)
  2. Read the NPPE Blueprint or Syllabus (Link)
  3. CHOOSE and STUDY appropriate materials* that can streamline your NPPE prep.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the remote testing/proctoring software
  5. Take as many full-length practice exams as possible and review your performance.

* The NPPE Candidate Guide advises “Although there are recommended study materials, applicants can gain mastery of the topics covered on the exam any way that works best for them.” Therefore, you are free to choose the set of materials you want to study (Point iii.* above). For example, you can choose the recommended study materials (Link) but these have many disadvantages: They are too long, as depending on the association the page count of study materials can get up to 1300 pages for some, and even higher for others. The recommended study materials do not cover all the topics of the NPPE blueprint/syllabus, and you need to do some further research for missing topics. Organization-wise, the blueprint and the recommended study materials have little ground in common, and this is a major headache for candidates that follow this path as they do not exactly know if the material they are studying is relevant or not, and therefore, they cannot possibly manage or monitor their progress properly.

However, you can streamline your NPPE prep if, instead, you study only material that is relevant for the exam and is exactly organized following the NPPE blueprint. A great book that meets these criteria is WPE Studio’s “Engineering & Geoscience NPPE: Law and Ethics,” as it contains only topics listed in the NPPE blueprint and follows its organization. Besides that, by force of relevancy and organization, it is much shorter than the recommended study materials: only 240 pages long. This can truly streamline your NPPE prep, be very helpful when monitoring your progress, and save you precious time.

With proper preparation, taking the NPPE exam can be a manageable challenge!


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